Vision / Mission
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- Vision / Mission
Our Mission for the future:
Never give up on anybody
- Care and protection for Underprivileged Elders and Girl Children
- Educational support for students belonging to economical weaker section to pursue their Higher studies
- Career guidance for students and counseling for the students from Rural area
- Free tailoring class in association with Amman Tailoring center of Dr.A.Asokan, Chennai
- Free Training – Basic Computer Skill + Tally Sponsored by Dr.A.Asokan, Chennai.
- Distribution of cloths from sarvalayam to the workers at Nilgiris
- Family counseling for Rural women
- Workshop on Skill Devolpment program and Innovation
- Camp for ID Card and employment program for the differently Abled people coordinated with District Disability Welfare Department.
Our Vision for the future:
Miracles happen every day.
- To start another wing of Sarvalayam: Sivalayam, which will specifically cater ill patients to ensure a life of dignity and care in their last days.
- To enroll a greater number of destitute girls in the integrated home of Sarvalayam.
- A mobile unit to help the sick, needy and hungry people in the surrounding areas by distributing free food, medicines and clothing acquired from local donors, restaurant surplus food, etc